mind your own business

Today we ask you to mind your own business.

Mind your own business.

What does it mean, to mind your own business?

Often, when someone says “Mind your own business,” it is considered a sort of insult.

But really, it is far more a blessing than a curse.

Everyone has their own “business.” Their own busy-ness. The things that they are busy doing.

Insects have their own business. Animals have their own business.

The bee gathers nectar. The frog catches flies. That is their business.

You have your own things to do. You have the human equivalent of gathering nectar and catching flies. There are things that you do, that are your business.

Do you think it is wise, to go around telling bees they ought to gather nectar in a different way?

Do you think it is wise, to go around telling frogs to catch flies in a different way?

It would be a great waste of energy, to do this. And in the end, the bee would do what the bee does, and the frog would do what the frog does.

So really it is best to mind your own business with bees, and frogs.

And it is best to mind your own business with humans, also.

You have plenty of things to do that are your own business. You don’t need to waste your time and energy thinking about how other people ought to live their lives. You certainly don’t need to go around telling other people how they ought to live their lives.

If you or someone else is being harmed, then yes, it may necessary to intervene.

But be very careful in your assessment of “harm.” Make sure the harm in question is real and significant. Not just a matter of hurt feelings, or a misunderstanding.

It is always wise to thoroughly investigate a situation before intervening.

Someone might try to stop bees from gathering nectar. Someone might try to stop frogs from catching flies.

They might feel very self-righteous about it. They must save the flowers! They must save the flies!

But really, they are just messing up an otherwise harmonious system.

So that is why it is good to take action only when absolutely necessary, when it comes to intervening in the lives of others.

It is fine for you to have opinions about other people and what they ought to do.

If they come to you and ask for your feedback, by all means give it to them. If they truly desire your opinion, by all means give it to them.

But if they have no interest in your opinion, and they are not harming you or someone else, then mind your own business.

Everyone has plenty to do. Everyone has plenty of business. Life is full of things to do, without getting hung up on other people’s business.

There are a lot of crazy people in the world. There are a lot of self-destructive people.

Trying to reason with a crazy person is a waste of energy.

Trying to rescue a habitually self-destructive person is a waste of energy.

If you wish to create positive change in your world, look to where you put your energy.

You are not going to create positive change by arguing with crazy or self-destructive people.

Focus on building the reality you wish to create.

Don’t sit around being angry about a world you don’t like.

That is really what it means to “mind your own business.”

You are not going to force light down the throats of unconscious people. You cannot wake up unconscious people. Certainly you won’t do this by judging them, or getting in their business.

Focus on the light. Stay in your own business. Conserve your precious energy for actions that are truly meaningful and useful.

That is what it means to “mind your own business.”